06 Juni 2008

Strories about UAS

UAS has been passed. Just one week from last Monday until today 11a.m. (actually 5 days only). With 1 - 2 subject each day. I will tell what I have done and passed. If you still have intense to read, please be careful. If not, just press key alt+F4 to close the window.

Monday, June 2nd 2008
8am - 10pm : English
1pm - 3pm : Mathematics

The first day.
English tes was based on TOEIC, stands for Test of English for International Communication. It is just as easy as real TOEIC, but the difference is TIME. Instead of 120 minutes exam time, we (as student), had to finish it just in 100 minutes. 50 minutes for listening part and 50 minutes for reading part. The worst is the speaker was not too good. I couldn't hear it well. As the requirement of passing the test is 600 point, which is minimum of true answer is 61 each part. Fortunately, I have passed the test with 805 point. Not too bad. And the worth thing is I don't have to take English again in next semester.

Mathematics 2, arrggh!!!! I wasn't doing it well. I was confused by the problem, because of the lecturer. Unfortunately, I don't think I can pass the minimum score 84 (to get grade A). Aarrgghh!!!! Damn!!!

Teusday, June 3rd 2008
8am - 10pm : Database

Second day.
I think it was better than Mathematics 2. Because the lecturer has given the "Kisi-kisi UAS". I just have to study based on that thing. And I was doing it well.

Wednesday, June 4th 2008
10am - 12 am : Chinese

Third day. Just let it flow. I think it was good.

Thursday, June 5th 2008
8am - 10am : Linear Algebra
1pm - 3pm : PPA

Again, Linear Algebra is as worst as Mathematics 2. Aaarrgh!!!! But for PPA (stands for Paket Program Aplikasi) I think I will get maximum score, 100. Hahaha...

Friday, June 6th 2008
8am - 11am : Algorithm

Hahaha.... I was doing it vary well. When other person just done it 2-4 points from 6 points. I have done it all. And I feel optimistic that I will get perfect score in KHS (Kartu Hasil Studi).

For whoever who read this, please pray for my Mathematics 2 and Linear Agebra score. Hiks hiks... I wonder if I can be Best Student again. Hahaha...


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